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Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours...

Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours..


Sunday, October 4, 2009

pre bday

Funny how my horoscope the day before my bday is:
Your thoughts are inclined to be heavy, critical, and pessimistic at this time, so it would be good to realize that you are only seeing part of the picture. This can also be a time of leaving, separating from friends and choosing a new way.Your mind wanders, and this can be a time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding contracts at this time.

The sad thing is it is creepily true seeing as I am going through a really, really tough time right now. Ive written something that is dear to my heart of my life in the past yr & before, so u all know where I am right now, whats happened & why I've made the decisions I have. S

eeing as Ive managed to runaway from people so as not to face the 3rd degree 100 times a week, I want u to know that it has turned out amazing. Hope to have it done tomorrow! Sorry to those I dont see or talk to, still feel like I must have scared yall away in the hospital back then so I have stayed away- i still love you all & miss ya deeply. One last thing: ONE YEAR= 100 LBS DOWN!!!!!!!! WHOOHOO!!