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Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours...

Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours..


Monday, March 22, 2010

Scotts post reponses

Scott Buechner Our goverment at its best! What a joke!

Sun at 10:23pm via Mobile Web · ·
Jim Diveley
Jim Diveley
Just terrible!
Sun at 10:55pm
Aaron Gaghagen
Aaron Gaghagen
What happened? Did we start another war or something?
Yesterday at 1:01am
Jona Jones
Jona Jones
I personaly am ecstatic over this...Scottie...do you realize that I have 30,000 in health bills from my three day stint in the hospital when I was uninsured. If I would have had it, the costs would have been minimal. If almost every other country on earth can take care of their people, there is no reason the US can't. If it fails to do so, then it would truly be impossible to say that this is the best country to live in on earth.
Yesterday at 1:34am
Allison Lang Buechner
Allison Lang Buechner
Yes but you dont realize the consequences of letting the government making your healthcare decisions... like not letting you in the hosital when you need to or get the medicine you need because its not on the approved list... I dealt with a healthcare district run by the government and it was horrible - you DONT want that - you will have no ... See Moredecision in your care and if you even think insurance companies are bad the governement way is worse. Good luck getting to see see a dr for a sinus infection,etc... I have way beyond $30,000 in medical bils and I have insurance and have people calling me constantly to get that money. They cant make you pay if it is a public hospital. Also, if you call the hospital will work with you if you are in need. I am finally getting around to that and filling out papers to get my debt forgiven.

Just because youll have coverage doesnt mean its the miracle you think it is... it too will have major consequences as NOTHING is ever that easy! THere has to be something better they could have come up with after working in the insurance business for over 3 years there are soo many ways to reform it without the government running anything.

I hate seeing our government start to become a socialist or communist state where they start taking over everything and telling us what we can and cant do in most areas of our lives.. Look how many things our government has started takeing over in th past few years - that should scare EVERYONE this is supposed to be a free country not one that takes over everything.
9 hours ago ·
Aaron Gaghagen
Aaron Gaghagen
It's better to have corporations make our health care decisions?
9 hours ago
Jona Jones
Jona Jones
I just have a very hard time accepting the fact that SO many other countries including the UK, France, Korea, Canada etc. can provide coverage for each and EVERY citizen and we can't. I think THAT says a lot about our country. I think it is sad that, yes, there are people who end up dying because they don't have the coverage or they wouldn't ... See Morewish the bills upon their children or surviving spouses when they finally sucumb. It is sad to know that some people from the US will find any way to go to another country where they will be covered ( which is the case in the UK). If I wasn't educated on other countries (non-communist) that are successfull in providing for their citizens, then maybe I would think differently...But I am knowledgeable...Medicaid is a form of social medicine and noone makes a stink. I just want everyone covered. I think there are a ton of extremists out there that dish out A LOT of scare tactics. All we can do is try because one thing is certain...it isn't working the way it is now!
9 hours ago

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