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Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours...

Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours..


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In response to friend on opposite side of bill who is upset for being yelled at

This seems 2 be destroying you & causing you too much stress than its worth & it breaks my heart 2 hear that from you. I have just as many reasons I believe my way as people do on the other side - that doesnt make either one of us stupid, idiots or ignorant - we are all soo different & gone through so many dif’t things in life that have affected what we believe that there is NO way we could all believe the same thing ALL the time & if we did that would be creepy & it wouldnt be a democracy and we don’t want to turn into “A Brave New World”. Just like some people can't wait 2 get married because thats been their entire life dream but others are adamantly opposed 2 EVER getting married period or ever having kids period- we all have different beliefs on ALOT of things and we have the right to believe in any of those and to feel safe for having those beliefs.

I know I keep saying that but I just want you 2 know you arent the only one feeling that way - the only things I have seen posted recently is how big of an idiot I am for my beliefs & that really, really, really hurts because I am not an idiot, I have the right 2 make informed decisions on my own as does everyone. So when people quit posting those types of articles I think things & people can get back 2 normal & not feel soo horribly persecuted on both sides.

In the past year of having 2 tell hundreds of people that their specialty meds werent covered because of preexisting cond’s, esp cancer patients - it broke my heart & made me want 2 yell at them 2 NOT put anything under the listing of previous illness or previous meds on their application because they had 2 wait a year till they could get those paid for. When you are talking over $5000/mo for a second line breast cancer med because its metastasized 2 her spine & they have 2 pay for that for the 1st year on top of the numerous meds she has 2 take - IT KILLED ME. It made me feel like I was killing her myself because who can afford that on their own yet she will die if she doesnt get that med. So for that change I am very grateful!

Hell I've been fighting my short term disability since OCTOBER for so many reasons for denial & now its preexisting conditions when it has nothing 2 do with anything previous & their first denial was for work comp... so there are alot of things I am REALLY excited about in this change. I love the fact that Obama lowered my COBRA payments or we wouldnt survive right now while I am looking for a job because I have a lot of Drs and a lot of meds so I couldn’t not keep my COBRA.

But me, myself, will never be able 2 believe that the government taking over more things is better. The more govt takes over the less decisions we have as Americans – but that’s what I believe & I would hate for people 2 keep giving in & support the government 2 pay for this or that & before we know it they are deciding most of our lives – that’s my one irk about it. 2 me we are supposed 2 be free & hate 2 have anything that limits our choice in any way. But this is my belief because of who I am & what I have gone through, who I’ve known, whom I’ve met, things I have seen, my education & upbringing.

After living in Mexico & seeing how much the government controls everything there – having the government have any more control here just plain scares me… but those are all things that have formed my opinion. Just like your life has affected your beliefs & neither of us is wrong or right – we just have that right 2 belief what we want & my beliefs are changing everyday the more I live life, & I will get upset when I strongly believe something because there are many things I do believe strongly in. But I am not in gov’t & cant make those decisions, all I can do is vote & let my legislators know what I believe. So when things pass I disagree on I get upset but realize I have 2 deal with whatever is coming my way whether I like it or not. I may think how can anybody believe in this, but then I realize how can there not be we are a FREE country, period! *end of novel* :-)

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