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Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours...

Kinda Cool Realizations from my Brain to Yours..


Monday, March 22, 2010

More political comments, weird...

My friends comments:
is amazed by how many people have forgotten that a lot of the people they keep referring to as idiots and as stupid are actually friends of theirs who support the change taking place in this country. Trust me, I'm just as informed, well read and educated, if not more so, than you think you are.I'be been trying hard not to talk about it because I realize not everyone is happy about what is taking place and I don't want to hurt feelings but I am sick of being insulted at this point. There are a lot of things that took place during the last administration I didn't support but I didn't refer to the my friends who did agree in s derogatory manner.

My response:
but ya did have a heart attack when you saw my BUSH sticker the very first time... hehehe that was soo funny! But ya still loved me and thats what counts... we are this awesome free country where we can all have our own beliefs without being persecuted or killed, so no matter the disagreement in beliefs - its those differences that make our country such a great country. I am so proud to be an American no matter what I agree or disagree with because I can live this great FREE life and that is all that matters at the end of the day!

We are so lucky and sometimes I have to sit back and realize that even though I may strongly believe in something or against something their is gonna be someone else with just a strong an opinion with just as strong a reason! Its hard for me to remember that sometimes, just know that no matter what you believe - you have that right and it doesnt make you any lesser a person than anyone else in this country! That what makes our country AWESOME!

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